Thursday, 03 May 2012 17:22

Zaragosa Annual Spring Turkey Shoot V2

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AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy (Vigileer) – There has always been competition and rivalry amongst fighter squadrons.  This rivalry is one of the things that drives and motivates us – that which instills pride in our remarkable people and our phenomenal unit.

Fighter pilots are inherently competitive, and the squadrons that stand on the shoulders of these warriors and the soldiers that support them are full of enthusiasm for their duty and pride in their work.

It is traditional for fighter squadrons to constantly challenge each other… a challenge among brethren to excel and demonstrate their strength.  This is a healthy competition which raises morale, strengthens working relationships, and increases unit cohesiveness.

In every fighter squadron there is an entity called the LPA (Lieutenant Protection Association) – a group formed by all the lieutenants in the squadron.  Custom dictates that the LPA continue the traditional rivalries and challenges between fighter squadrons.  They are the ones, in most cases, responsible for the ideas and execution of the mischief and tomfoolery associated with this long-standing tradition – a crusade to be the best and to dare others to prove otherwise.

The spirit missions borne of the LPA range from kidnapping a squadron mascot to golf and go-kart tournaments and everything in between.  When a fighter squadron has become the target of such a mission, retaliation is expected and encouraged – whining and quibbling are the weapons of the weak.  It is this constant campaign against “the other side” that hones our skills and sharpens our wits, as iron sharpens iron, and rallies the members into a solid, cohesive machine.  The Vigileer article printed in the 20 June 03 edition entitled “Aviano fighter squadrons compete during deployed “Turkey Drop” was one of these spirit missions.  Long live the traditions that better ourselves and those around us.

That said, in the spirit of competition and comradery, the Operations Group held a dining out on the 20th of June in order to recognize a few remarkable fighter pilots.  These individuals have demonstrated the skill and ability that makes a fighter squadron proud.  The following awards are based on bombing accuracy with 25 lb training bombs on practice ranges in Sardinia, Italy and Zaragosa, Spain, from 01 Oct 02 to 31 Mar 03.

During the Sardinia deployment the 510th was conducting combat operations for 90 days in Operation Southern Watch, where all deployed pilots dropped in combat, totaling over 132,000 lbs of live ordinance delivered with a smile.  This precluded their participation in the Sardinia portion of the competition.  These are the results of the 31st FW Top Gun competition:

Event – HARB

3rd Place : Maj “Woody” Woodcock – 510th
2nd Place : Capt “Scope” Borror – 555th
1st Place : LtCol “Gordo” Clemons – 555th

Event – HADB

3rd Place : Maj “Woody” Woodcock – 510th
2nd Place : LtCol “Gordo” Clemons – 555th
1st Place : Capt “Zoom” Pringle – 510th

Event – DB

3rd Place : Capt “Scope” Borror – 555th
2nd Place : Capt “Flash” Gordon – 555th
1st Place : Capt “Tugma” Johnson – 555th

Event – LALD

3rd Place : Capt “Swede” Pompa – 555th
2nd Place : Capt “Rex” Wysack – 555th
1st Place : LtCol “K2” Kiger – 555th

Event – LAHD

3rd Place : Capt “Flash” Gordon – 555th
2nd Place : Maj “Woody” Woodcock – 510th
1st Place : LtCol “K2” Kiger – 555th

Overall “Top Gun”

3rd Place : LtCol “Monk” Miller – 510th
2nd Place : Maj “Tyrone” Pauer – 510th
1st Place : Capt “Scope” Borror – 555th

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